Can You Lengthen Your Attention Span?

Yes you can lengthen your attention span using techniques below. Increasing your attention span is important for many reasons. For one, it means you can finish projects more quickly. When your attention span is short, you often have to spend more sessions working on a project, which means you will load up more and lose good ideas.

On the other hand, a longer attention span means you will have less of restarting and refocusing plus the frustration that come with short-lived attention spans. Longer attention span make you more productive.

How to Lengthen Your Attention Span

Play Attention Enhancing Games

If you struggle to pay attention to tasks, try focusing on playing a game that requires concentration. While this may be short-term, fifteen minutes a day five days a week can make a big difference. Besides improving your concentration, this type of game can also help you with problem-solving skills.

During this exercise, you’ll need to close your eyes, play a relaxing song, and set a timer. You can also use a YouTube video. Every three minutes, the video will play a soothing gong that signals the end of the exercise.

The key to this exercise is to visualize your attention as a flashlight. When your mind is distracted, you’ll struggle to keep the flashlight where you want it to be.

Meditation Helps Improve Attention Span

A daily meditation routine can also help extend your attention span. Various studies show that as little as 10 to 20 minutes of meditation can help you improve your focus and concentration.

You’ll start to see improvements after just four days. Physical exercise also improves your ability to focus and ignore distractions. Studies have shown that students who exercised before an attention test performed better than those who did not exercise.

The researchers  found that exercise improves brain functions in two ways: increasing brain oxygenation and enhancing cognitive abilities.

In addition, physical activity is also associated with greater grey matter, the part of the brain responsible for muscle control and sensory processing. In addition to improving mental performance, exercise can prevent depression, cognitive decline, and other problems.


One of the many mental benefits of meditation is improved attention span. In fact, a study conducted by the University of California-Santa Barbara found that students who practiced mindfulness and meditation had significantly longer attention spans when tested on memory tests and activities requiring attention.

It can be helpful to download a meditation app such as Headspace or Calm to help you focus. In addition, you should avoid using your cell phone while meditating.

Various forms of meditation have the potential to change the structure of the brain and the way it functions. These changes in brain structure and function improve attention span and memory, and meditation has a number of other health benefits.

These include reduced stress and increased self-confidence. It also helps improve the immune system, which makes it more effective for fighting off diseases.

The study concluded that meditation can improve attention spans  by increasing the ability to stay focused and ignore distractions. It also improved the ability to allocate attention and control the number of different tasks in an efficient way. The results also showed a positive correlation between the N2 and the P3b scores for meditation tape listeners.

In addition to these methods, meditation can also be an important part of your daily routine. Try to find a place that is quiet and comfortable.

Also, make sure you wear comfortable clothes and sit in a comfortable position. Then, try to visualize a tree or a landscape as a way to relax your mind. Visualization is like a deep tissue massage for your brain.

While there are no guarantees that meditation can help you lengthen your attention span, it is worth exploring the benefits of meditating. The findings of these studies are diverse, but a single meditation session may help you achieve greater attention span in a short amount of time.

Getting Rid Of Distractions

Distractions affect our attention span, and they can make it harder to concentrate. When we’re focused, we are more productive and get more things done. In contrast, people with short attention spans get easily distracted, which leads to less progress and abandoning projects before they’re complete.

If you’re having trouble focusing, try getting rid of distractions. Research has shown that removing a distraction will increase your attention span. Try to avoid multitasking, which involves doing two tasks at once and shifting your focus from one to the other. Instead, schedule several short breaks throughout the day.

The Power of Goal Setting

Aiming for a specific goal can also help you focus despite distractions. Setting a goal helps you keep track of your progress and use it as a guide to work toward your goal. You can even go for a walk or engage in some outdoor activity, such as gardening or hiking. Spending time in nature helps you focus and is beneficial for those who find it difficult to concentrate.

If these methods don’t work, you may want to consult a medical professional. A physician can prescribe medications or therapy to improve your attention span. You can also try reducing your distractions by writing down your distracting thoughts. You may also want to try meditation, which is another way to enhance cognitive control.

Turn Off Notifications

Another way to boost your attention span is to turn off notifications. A study conducted by the University of Southern Maine showed that cell phone use increased distractions.

A student who used headphones, for example, was more likely to become distracted by a text message. Another way to improve your attention span is to turn off your email notifications and avoid browsing distracting websites.

Taking Breaks Helps

Breaks can help you stay focused and improve your attention span. Try taking two to three-minute breaks during which you engage a different part of your brain. For example, turn back to the first question you wrote down in your notes and quiz yourself on it. This will stimulate different parts of the brain and extend your attention span.

While there’s no universally agreed-upon number of breaks, experts recommend varying the length and frequency of the breaks. Breaks should last at least 15 minutes, but if you can’t take a break for that long, try taking short breaks every half an hour or so. Alternatively, try taking shorter breaks during your lunch hour.

If you find that your attention span is decreasing, try taking a break from your work. Studies have shown that taking regular breaks reduces the risk of distractions and improves productivity. Taking breaks can also reduce stress levels, which can affect your ability to focus when you return to your work.

Exercise Can Enhance Attention Span

Another way to increase your attention span is to exercise. A physical exercise like walking or running can help you boost your energy level. Practicing guided imagery, such as thinking about an imagined environment, can help you focus. This technique is just as effective as exercising your body. It helps your mind rest and regain its focus and clarity.

Monotasking is the way to Go

Another method to improve your attention span is to practice focusing on one task at a time i.e. mototasking. It’s important to avoid juggling multiple activities because it divides your attention between them. Juggling multiple tasks can lead to cognitive penalties, which means you’ll make more errors and take longer to complete tasks than if you tackle them separately.

Executive Attention

The executive control network helps us organize and process information, enabling us to initiate, plan, and execute goal-directed behaviors. Its development is important for both children and adults, and working to enhance this capability is important for learning.

Essentially, executive attention has five components: focused attention, sustained attention, selective attention, and alternate attention. In addition to helping us make better decisions and focus our attention, executive attention is essential for learning.

Recent studies  have shown that executive attention may be associated with higher-level cognition. Several studies have looked at specific EFs to assess their roles in extending attention. In one study, researchers focused on the role of executive attention in learning and memory. The results suggested that executive attention is a core part of working memory.

Executive attention may be enhanced by listening to music that allows you to focus on your task without interruption. For example, classical music or instrumental music can reduce distractions while letting you concentrate on your work. While working, you should also avoid listening to songs with too many lyrics and loud music. This may lead to divided attention.

Causes of Short Attention Span

Short attention spans are caused by a variety of factors. Depression, for example, can affect the brain’s ability to focus. Moreover, short attention spans can be the result of certain learning disorders, including dyslexia. When a person’s attention span is too short, they may miss important information, or fail to produce personalized results.

The old-fashioned way to focus is by paying attention to one task at a time. This way, people do not toddle around and divide their attention among multiple tasks. Attempting to do both at once creates a cognitive penalty, which causes more errors and inefficiency.