How to Increase Level of Concentration

Concentration is critical for your academic success.

There are many drivers behind the loss of concentration. The good news is that there are things you can do to increase your level of concentration.  

What Causes Loss Of Concentration

Quote Information overload. We are bombarded with information from TVs, computers, and messages such as texts or emails.

There are many causes of loss of concentration such as depression, sleep disorders and other underlying conditions. Loss of concentration can also be triggered medication side  effects, excessive drinking etc.

One of the major drivers of concentration deficit is information load. Information load  is a common problem worsened by access to the internet, TV and various sources of information.

“When there’s too much material, it burdens our filtering system and it’s easy to get distracted,”

Dr. Daffner

Exercise Boosts Concentration Power

Exercise is a proven way to improve focus, and it can also be helpful in increasing your level of concentration. Other ways to boost concentration are to set a timer and practice attentive listening. You can also try to organize your study time to maximize your concentration power.

Whether you are a student or working professional, exercising can improve your focus and concentration power. Studies have shown that working out for at least 45 minutes a day can boost your concentration power, and also help you deal with stressful situations better. Also, exercise is good for your health and can improve your mood.

Exercise also helps to improve memory. A study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology found that moderate to vigorous strength training improved processing speed in the brain.

It’s unclear which type of exercise is the most beneficial for the brain, but both resistance and aerobic exercises can benefit the brain. Here are a few exercises that can improve your concentration power:

A recent review of 19 studies  concluded that exercise has a beneficial effect on concentration. Exercise improves blood flow to the brain and causes neurones to fire up. It also increases brain cell growth in the hippocampus. In fact, as little as 20 minutes of exercise before studying can improve your concentration power, you can use that time for studying.

Setting A Timer

Setting a timer to work on a particular task can improve your level of concentration. It is easy to become distracted when working with multiple tasks, but by limiting yourself to a certain period of time, you are forced to focus on one task at a time. You can then achieve greater productivity if you are able to finish the task in the time limit.

When working on a project or task that requires you to concentrate, setting a timer to alert you to take a break can help you complete the project in a shorter period of time.

The goal is to remain focused for a minimum of 20 minutes, but to take a short break of five to ten minutes is also effective. The goal is to avoid brain-taxing activities during this break.

Another method of increasing concentration is to set a countdown timer. This tool works well for people who tend to work on projects for long periods of time.

By seeing the time dwindling, they feel more motivated to complete their task in the shortest time possible. Furthermore, the countdown timer keeps people from getting distracted by other activities.

Practicing Attentive Listening

In order to improve your level of concentration, you must learn how to listen attentively. This involves avoiding distractions and paying attention to the speaker’s body language and tone of voice. You should also try to maintain eye contact with the other person. This will help you show that you are paying close attention to what they are saying.

If you are not attentive to what the speaker says, you will be missing out on valuable information. You might even miss out on an opportunity to learn something new and gain a different perspective. When you listen intently to a conversation, you are less likely to be bored, so you will be able to concentrate better.

Students can practice attentive listening by sitting in front of the room. This will make it easier for them to make eye contact with the instructor and will minimize distractions.

Some instructors feel that students who sit in front of the class take their subjects more seriously and tend to pay more attention. As a result, they are more likely to give students help and will often give them the benefit of the doubt when deciding whether to award a grade.

Organizing Study Time

Organizing study time can help students focus better on their studies. Students can create a daily task list to keep track of the time they spend on different tasks. They can plan to devote some time to each class every day, but must be realistic about the amount of time they can devote to each task.

Setting limits on time on social media and other distractions can help students concentrate. Creating a study group can also help students stay on track. In addition, a professor can offer assistance if a student is stuck on a topic. Putting systems in place and getting organized can make studying online easier.

Taking A Nap

A ten to twenty-minute power nap is a perfect opportunity to refuel and improve concentration and alertness. Sleeping for this length of time will mostly produce stage 2 sleep, which is a natural state of rest that will lift your mood and sharpen your motor skills.

Before taking a power nap, it is helpful to consume a cup of coffee, which will enhance your alertness when you wake up. However, keep in mind that power naps can cause disorientation and you should avoid them if you have a problem with insomnia.

Although research is still limited, scientists are finding clues about the benefits of naps. A British study found that knowing when to take a nap reduced blood pressure. It also improved memory. The researchers found that the brain’s electrical activity goes through a five-phase cycle when people are asleep.

Naps improve cognitive flexibility, which is critical for decision-making and judgment. People who regularly take naps have lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Taking naps improves mood and reduces the tendency to be impulsive. It also enhances creativity and teaches the ability to make connections between related items.

Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated is important for the body. It prevents dehydration, which is bad for our mood and can hinder our concentration. Additionally, it prevents headaches, which can also interfere with our concentration. To avoid dehydration, you need to make sure that you are getting at least the recommended amount of water each day.

Recent studies have found that staying hydrated improves cognitive performance.

 However, the research on this topic has mainly been conducted in laboratory settings. Although neuropsychological tasks are useful for assessing cognitive abilities, real-life situations require a complex combination of cognitive abilities. Those who were dehydrated before an exam performed worse on the test.

Dehydration also affects your mood, short-term memory, and cognition. If you are prone to dehydration, it is recommended that you replace energy drinks with water. Drink water instead of coffee, energy drinks, and sodas, and think of it as a nutrient that helps the brain work better.

To stay hydrated, you should drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This amount is considered the “gold standard” for hydration. However, the Institute of Medicine recommends drinking more fluids than that. Women should drink at least 74 ounces a day, while men should drink at least 100 ounces. If you are suffering from chronic conditions or are outside all day, you need to drink even more fluids.

Creating A Nighttime Routine

The Harvard Business Review  published a piece about the importance of sleep for problem-solving and task-focused performance. According to the journal, creating a consistent nighttime routine will increase the chances of a good night’s sleep, and help you maximize your performance the next day.

Create a Night Time Routine

In order to create a nighttime routine, you can include a simple yoga routine. Ideally, your yoga routine should involve slow, relaxed movements, with a focus on your breath. You should include gentle stretches, tension-releasing twists, and soothing postures. Child’s Pose, for example, is an excellent option for a nighttime routine.

Creating a nighttime routine is also beneficial if you have trouble getting adequate sleep. Many people find it difficult to get a good night’s sleep when their brains are overstimulated with various tasks. Having a specific bedtime routine can help you to relax and fall asleep quickly.

Most smart professionals know the importance of an early morning routine, but they might not realize the importance of a nighttime routine. A simple nighttime routine can help you to get the proper amount of sleep, reduce stress, and create order in your life. Even though it may sound like a little bit of work, a nighttime routine will boost your productivity the next day.

The Power of Mindfulness

Mindfulness. According to Kim Willment,  a neuropsychologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, “Mindfulness is about focusing attention on the present moment, and practicing mindfulness has been found to rewire the brain so that attention is stronger in everyday life.” She advises taking a few minutes each day to sit quietly, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing as well as the noises and sensations in your environment.