How to Increase Your Attention Span While Studying

If you are finding it difficult to focus while studying, you may want to learn how to increase your attention span while studying. There are several ways to improve your attention span, including meditation, avoiding distractions, and monotasking. Try these tips and you will notice a noticeable difference in your performance.

Meditation Increases Attention Span

Meditation can improve your focus, so you can concentrate more on your studies. A study conducted at the University of California, Davis found that participants who practiced meditation performed better on tests of concentration than their control group.

The researchers found that participants were better able to detect differences between lines and were more accurate. The results also showed that meditation improved the brain’s ability to process visual stimuli.

Meditation Improves Focus

Practicing meditation and other healthy practices can improve focus and concentration. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, students who practiced mindfulness and meditation performed better on memory tests and activities requiring attention.

Meditation is a great way to improve your focus, and you can do it anywhere. For example, you can meditate while you’re eating lunch. While you’re eating, actively consider the flavor, texture, and air around you.

Studies have shown that meditating regularly can improve attention span and prevent age-related mental decline. The benefits of meditation are especially apparent in older adults.

One study at the University of California, Davis followed a group of meditation practitioners for three months. The researchers found that the benefits lasted for seven years.

Meditation Improves Executive Function

Another study showed that meditation improves executive control attention. It also increases gray matter, reduces stress, and promotes a sense of well-being.

Expert meditators are better at processing fast-changing stimuli. A few other benefits of meditation include an improved immune system, improved health, and increased well-being.

The researchers found that students who practiced meditation consistently improved their test scores. The study participants were twice as good as those in the control group. This means that they were able to study harder than those who did not meditate. In addition, meditation increased the ability to concentrate on one object while letting go of distractions.

The study also found that mindfulness meditation increased social connections and reduced feelings of loneliness. In addition, experience of meditation helps people develop creative problem-solving skills. It also boosts mental strength and endurance.

Avoiding Distractions

Avoiding distractions can be difficult, but it is important to focus on the task at hand. Several tips can help you avoid distractions, such as staying well-rested and using positive imagery. You should also consciously bring your attention back to the task at hand every time you become distracted.

Distractions can be caused by a variety of factors, including the surroundings in which you study. Removing distractions from your environment can help you focus better and reduce multitasking. Some researchers believe that people who are constantly exposed to stimulating stimuli tend to have shorter attention spans than those who do not.

Distractions from the Internet or your phone can rob you of concentration. You might spend two hours on schoolwork only to be interrupted by a text message. During this time, you may not make much progress. Therefore, to stay focused, turn off all notifications from the internet or from your personal electronics.

Time is the Currency of Life: Place More Value In It

Another way to avoid distractions is by placing a higher value on time. The more time you spend focused, the more productive you’ll be. Focused, productive people achieve more and have more fun. Instead of wasting valuable time on a phone or computer, spend that time doing things that will make your life more fulfilling.

Having a designated space to study can also help you focus better. Even if it’s just your bedroom, a dedicated study room will help you concentrate more efficiently. You can also use corkboards and wall planners, which help you set your ‘to-do’ lists and study schedules.

Avoiding distractions during studying is important, so be sure to find a spot where you’ll feel comfortable. Different people will need a different environment. Make sure to get your course materials organized and pick a study playlist. Noise is the biggest distraction. Avoiding these distractions will ensure you’re focused and get the work done.

Taking breaks is also vital. A long study session can cause you to lose focus, so take a break every so often to recharge and refresh. Take 15 to 20-minute breaks between studying. Taking breaks can also give you time to talk to friends or prepare a snack.


Whether you need to study for exams or finish a project, monotasking can help you focus better. It’s important to have a focused workspace where you can relax and focus on a single task at a time.

In addition, you should have some sort of music playing so you can keep your mind stimulated. If you want to improve your attention span while studying, consider purchasing headphones and a great playlist.

When it comes to productivity, it’s important to take daily breaks. This allows your mind to wander, which often leads to creative ideas. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get tempted to multi-task. However, you’ll only get mediocre results if you try to multi-task. The only way to maximize your attention span while studying is to use it wisely.

Problems of Multi-Tasking

Multitasking can also lead to a decrease in attention. Research by Harvard University has shown that people who regularly multitask while driving are less focused.

This is because drivers with lowered attention are less likely to focus on the road and react appropriately. Also, research by University of Utah professors has revealed that multitasking while driving has a negative impact on the driver’s ability to respond quickly, drive safely, and see things clearly.

While multitasking is helpful when your plate is full, research shows that most of us are best suited to single-tasking. Unlike a multitasking machine, the human brain is not designed to handle more than one task at a time. In fact, recent studies have revealed that only two to three percent of people can multi-task efficiently.

Using a single task at a time can make it much easier to study when you’re able to take breaks. By learning to focus on one task at a time, you’ll find that you’ll have more energy for other activities. By practicing mindfulness and practicing self-awareness, you’ll be able to stay focused and reduce your stress levels.

Using a single task at a time is also beneficial for people with short attention spans. This can make you more efficient, collaborative, and effective in your professional life. So, take a look at all your options to improve your attention span and achieve your goals.

Taking Breaks

There are many benefits to taking breaks while studying. Not only does it increase your mood and reduce stress, but it also activates different parts of the brain. Breaking your concentration during a break also helps your subconscious mind to work on a solution to a problem. Try ping pong for a break, take a walk around the block, or even just snooze a little. The human body craves movement. It also strengthens the body and combats disease.

Taking breaks is important for students as it allows them to refocus and increase their productivity. Studies have shown that students who take breaks between classes are more focused, less stressed, and more productive. By taking breaks regularly, students can boost their brains, reduce stress, and improve their memory and recall.

The best breaks are brief. They should last around two to three minutes. Each break should involve a task that stimulates a different part of the brain.

It is also best to engage the right brain by doing something creative. Creative activities help exercise the right side of the brain, which stimulates dopamine production and improves memory.

Taking Breaks Enhances Focus

Taking breaks is important for students with busy schedules. Taking breaks can also help you focus better on one task. Research shows that laughing increases endorphins in the body, which are responsible for reducing stress levels.

You can find thousands of funny videos online and can use them as a distraction while you study. Just be sure to set a time limit when you watch these videos. Another good idea is to look out the window and enjoy fresh air.

While these are not the only benefits of taking breaks while studying, they are important for your overall productivity. Studies have shown that taking short breaks helps students increase their attention span and focus.

If you plan your study time right, taking breaks during the day will improve your productivity. Taking breaks should never become an excuse for you to do nothing. You should plan breaks so that you can return to your study session refreshed and alert.

Another benefit of taking breaks while studying is the fact that it improves productivity and mood. Research has shown that taking small breaks can improve productivity by 15 minutes.

Taking short technology breaks will help you focus more efficiently, and you won’t feel stressed out as much. Moreover, you’ll be happier and less likely to get distracted by email notifications or social media posts.

Final Thoughts

There you go. If you are struggling with your attention span try the tips outlined above and you will see a major difference if your apply the techniques consistently. All the best in your journey.