Best Study Strategies For College Students

If you want to succeed in your college classes, there are many methods to boost your studying skills. Some of these strategies are Distributed practice, Breaks, Quizzing yourself, and Taking good notes. Try out the following best study strategies for college students see if they work for you. You can use one or all of them, depending on your needs.

Distributed Practice

Distributed practice  is a study strategy that requires more time than other types of study but offers long-term learning retention. The downside to this strategy is that it is not a good option for simple topics or introductory lessons. Students can become frustrated trying to master topics that require easy to follow instructions.

How Distributed Practice Works

Distributed practice is a study strategy that can be beneficial for students in many disciplines. It relies on the spacing effect: repeated reviews of the same information over a longer period of time improves memory. It’s also known as priming. Increasing the amount of practice will increase a student’s base knowledge, creating a stronger foundation for later learning.

This study strategy also involves regular breaks. Students can access segments of the course one at a time, and can’t move on until the recommended amount of time has passed.

Distributed practice also relies on the spacing effect, which is a phenomenon that has a positive effect on a student’s memory when they return to the same learning material after a period of time.

Distributed practice can be an effective study strategy for college students. The biggest hurdle in achieving this strategy is spaced learning. Most schools teach their curricula one unit at a time, which is not ideal for students who want to study multiple topics simultaneously.

By alternating topics, students can learn more about each topic, and avoid the stress of cramming. However, if you plan to use this method, make sure you plan your study time so that you don’t miss out on anything.

Students who are unable to tolerate the stress of mistakes will probably have more difficulty implementing this study strategy. Because students are expected to make more mistakes in a practice session, the chances of making a mistake increases. Students who are prone to work avoidance will also have a difficult time adjusting to this schedule.


Taking breaks can help you focus on other things while you study. For example, instead of sitting in a study room, you can take a walk, take a shower, or take a short break from studying to read a book or an article that interests you. You can also study literature lists for various classes, and use these breaks to read the literature lists and mark favorite readings.

It is also important to know when to take a break, because different people benefit from different types of breaks. So, experiment with the types of activities you do during your breaks to find out what works best for you.

However, avoid doing activities that make you feel too distracted and make it difficult to get back into studying. Moreover, you should never use a study break as an excuse to procrastinate.

Breaks are beneficial when you are preparing for a midterm exam or working on a complex project. You’ll be more alert and productive when you take breaks, and you’ll avoid burning yourself out. Taking breaks while studying is essential for both your physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that taking frequent breaks can improve your performance and memorization. It can also sharpen your mind, which means you can get more done in a shorter amount of time. Ideally, you should take a break every 90 minutes. Make sure to include some type of activity that will get your blood flowing.

When you feel mentally exhausted, it is time to take a break. The best study breaks are less strenuous and more calming, such as walking in beautiful scenery. Another great study break is a power nap. However, these should be short and not last more than 20-30 minutes. Try not to overeat too much or drink too much caffeine. Too much caffeine will make you feel anxious and could affect your focus.

Quizzing Yourself

Quizzing yourself is a proven study technique that can be incorporated into your study routine. It can be done during your reading process, as part of a study group, or simply by going over your notes at least twice a week.

You’ll become an expert on the material and know what areas of study need more attention. You can also try this method if you’re having trouble retaining a concept.

It can be difficult to memorize complicated information, but a self-administered quiz can help you gauge your understanding. Quiz yourself periodically to ensure that you’re learning new information. You can also practice retrieval practice by having a friend ask you questions as you read your notes. Remember to write down the questions you answered, so you can refer to them at a later time.

Mind Mapping

Another study technique that can help you memorize information effectively is Mind Mapping.  Using Mind Mapping, students can organize the topics they’re studying into groups. Then, they can review those topics over the course of three to seven days. They can do this in a single session or spread the review sessions over three or four days.

Remember to take breaks from studying. Studying in silence is best for some, while others may perform better in a quieter environment with white noise. Whatever works for you, make it a point to quiz yourself a minimum of an hour a day. You can also use flashcards to quiz yourself. If you want to make multiple-choice quizzes, Quizlet is a great option.

Another study strategy is to summarize what you read and write down the main points. After this, you can quiz yourself to make sure you fully understand the material. By doing this, you can practice retrieval skills and retain more information.

Taking Good Notes

Taking good notes in class is a key part of learning. It keeps the mind and body active while you’re listening to a lecture or seminar, and helps you organize information and identify key ideas. It also helps you to connect what you’re learning in class to textbook readings.

A key tip for taking good notes is to pay attention to repetition. Professors often repeat key points in class. Listen for repetition and other verbal cues. For example, a professor might say, “Listen for the following five steps,” or “Note this major reason.” Taking notes of this kind will make your review time easier and help you understand what your professor is talking about.

The Cornell Note Taking Method

Another effective note-taking method is the Cornell method.  This method is relatively new and was formalized in the 1940s. It was popularized for its ease of use and ability to effectively teach concepts.

The first step in using the Cornell method is to partition paper into three equal parts. The first partition should be about 2.5 inches wide. The second partition should be the rest of the paper.

One of the keys to taking good notes is to identify the most important ideas, concepts, and facts that you’ve heard from your lecture or seminar. This will force you to categorize the information and help you recall it later.

You should also use abbreviations and signals to help you organize your notes. You may wish to include a key for abbreviations in all of your notebooks. Finally, you should identify your own thoughts in your notes. This can be accomplished by using different color ink, underlining, or boxing.

Good note-taking can save you time and energy. Not only can you recall what you learned in class easier, but you can also review your notes to ensure that you understand important points. Re-reading your notes will save you time, energy, and confusion. In addition, your notes will be a valuable resource for studying later.

Taking Breaks

When you’re in the middle of studying, taking a break can help you re-energize and refresh your mind. You can even take a walk or do some exercises to help you release endorphins and clear your head. You might even catch up with friends during your break.

Benefits of Taking Breaks

The benefits of taking a study break are many. It boosts motivation and prevents burnout. It gives students a feeling of control over their schedule and improves their focus. It also gives them a sense of accountability. It also helps students maintain a consistent pace and achieve the best results.

When studying for a test, it’s important to take regular breaks. Breaks will allow you to refresh yourself and avoid distractions. For example, if you feel overwhelmed and need to take a break, turn off the television, log out of Facebook, or even take a quick power nap.

Another benefit of taking a study break is that it will help you retain information better and boost your mood. You can also try setting a timer, which will help you stay on task.

Moreover, if you’re studying for a lengthy exam, you might want to take longer breaks. However, if you’re pressed for time, you can make the most out of your breaks by staying organized and writing down what you want to achieve.

A study break will also give your brain a break from digital distractions. The use of social media and games can eat away your focus. These distractions make you feel more tired than before, which can make you feel stressed. Instead of focusing on these distractions, take a walk through beautiful scenery or a movie. Try to avoid using your smartphone during your break as it will cause your brain to become overworked, and you won’t be as focused.