5 Biggest Barriers To Student Success And How To Overcome Them

As a student, you know that having problems succeeding in your classes can have major consequences, from falling behind on coursework to receiving poor grades to potentially not graduating on time or at all.

It’s important to be aware of the things that could prevent you from being successful in the classroom, so you can make sure you don’t fall victim to them and can overcome any potential issues before they become problematic. Here are five of the biggest barriers to student success and tips on how to deal with each one of them.

1) Time Management

One of the biggest barriers to academic success is time management. Students who excel at time management have a better chance of being successful in school because they will be able to dedicate enough time and energy towards each subject they study.

There are many ways that students can manage their time, including creating a schedule, making a list of tasks, delegating work and prioritizing tasks based on importance. For some people, it may also be helpful to find an organizational method that works for them.

Whether you are someone who likes lists, calendars or planners, having a way to keep track of all your activities will help you stay organized throughout your day.

If you still struggle with managing your time despite these strategies, try finding out when your peak hours are as well as what energizes you. Knowing when and what makes you productive can help guide you in choosing the best times for studying or doing other activities during the day.

2) Grades

Some of the biggest barriers to academic success are grades, finances, and family support. For example, a poor grade on a test can cause a child’s self-esteem to drop; this can lead to less effort in school.

Additionally, a lack of financial resources can make it difficult for students to buy textbooks or pay for transportation. Lastly, if parents are not actively involved in their children’s education then they may not have the knowledge or interest necessary to help with homework or offer support.

The five biggest barriers to academic success include grades, finances, and family support. It is important for parents to be mindful of these factors as well as other barriers such as addiction or abuse that can affect both home life and schooling experience.

3) Procrastination

The number one barrier to student success is procrastination. Students will put off studying, writing a paper, or doing their homework in the hopes that they’ll be more motivated later on. This can lead to an overwhelming amount of work piling up with no way to get caught up.

What’s worse, is that this cycle of putting things off only gets worse over time as you go from being a little bit behind on your work, to having week’s worth of assignments left undone. It becomes easier to justify not working on something because you’re just going to forget about it anyway.

But what ends up happening is that when we do remember, we have a much harder time catching back up since there was so much work already left unfinished. A great way to combat this type of behaviour is by breaking projects down into smaller chunks which makes it seem like less of a daunting task than if everything were lumped together in one giant pile.

4) Making friends

Making friends can be difficult, especially if you’re not in a clique or don’t know anyone. It’s important to remember that it’s okay not to know people when you start college. If you find yourself alone, here are some ways to make friends -Join a club on campus.

  • Talk to people at your dorm about what they do for fun and go with them.
  • Start conversations with people you see around campus by asking for directions or inviting them over for lunch or coffee. -Introduce yourself to someone sitting next to you in class.
  • Volunteer as an orientation leader so you have the chance to meet many new people!

5) Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues can be challenging to talk about, but they are a very real problem that many college students face. Many students who experience depression or anxiety find themselves struggling academically because they feel too overwhelmed by the workload of their classes and responsibilities outside of school.

It is important for these students to seek out professional help so that they can get the help they need in order to stay focused on their academics. They should also consider what extracurricular activities might serve as an outlet for them, such as joining a club related to one of their interests.

Take Time to Cool Off

Additionally, it’s important for students to make time each day to do something relaxing before bedtime, like taking a bath or reading a book. Doing this will allow them to wind down after a long day of studying or working and prepare themselves for sleep.

Any student will tell you that it’s hard to juggle all the responsibilities of university life, and that’s why plenty of students feel like they aren’t achieving their potential.

But, in reality, most students are actually extremely successful, they just don’t realize it because they’re not considering what real success looks like and how to achieve it. Paying attention to the  five big barriers to student access explored above can help you overcome the hurdles and achieve your academic goals.

How To Ace Your Studies at College

Be focused on your Goals and Values

One approach to see your version of success is to acknowledge your aspirations. You can utilize your values to inspire yourself while you strive toward your definition of success if you are aware of what it is that you are hoping to accomplish by getting an education.

For instance, you might state that you value independence and being able to support yourself if your objective is to earn your bachelor’s degree in order to find employment. In the end, gaining freedom can be your definition of success.

You might be able to keep focused on your own definition of success and avoid comparison traps by holding onto your values while you interpret your success.

Break Down Big Long Term Goals Into Smaller Short Term Tasks

You can begin converting your vision into an action plan now that you have a clear understanding of what success looks like for you. Large goals are broken down into manageable, smaller accomplishments using action plans. This offers you the chance to check in with yourself along the route and makes those lofty goals seem more manageable.

Making SMART goals is one way to translate long-term objectives into short-term plans. The acronym SMART stands for:

  • Be specific by defining your task.
  • Determine how you’ll measure your aim to make it measurably.
  • Create attainable objectives that you can influence in some way.
  • Relevant: Concentrate on objectives that will help you reach your definition of success.
  • Time-bound: To keep on target, set a deadline for oneself.

Know Your Learning Style

The way each person’s brain processes information varies slightly. Knowing your preferred learning style and developing study habits that work for you will boost your confidence in your academic success.

Consider an exam or a paper you did well on to help you determine when you work best. How did you get ready? In what kind of a setting did you finish your work? How much time did you devote to the task? You either studied alone or in a group.

The way each person’s brain processes information varies slightly. Knowing your preferred learning style and developing study habits that work for you will boost your confidence in your academic success.

Think about an exam or a deadline to help you determine when you work best.

Final Thoughts

Student success can be hard to achieve and difficult to maintain, but with the right tools and encouragement from teachers, students can achieve great things. The biggest barriers to student success are also for teachers and parents to pay attention to key areas where their students or children need help.

This way students get support from home and from school to overcome these challenges so that they can achieve more academic, personal and social success in their lives.