What Learning Style is Best For Online Learning?

A student’s experience in an online learning environment might vary greatly based on their preferred learning style, much like in the classroom.

Learning Style Vary in the Cyber Space

However, all online learning environments should be created with the understanding that, even though everyone is in front of their computer, different learning styes still exist in the online learning space, regardless of whether a student is online for the entirety of the school year, taking a few extra classes over Zoom, or receiving online tutoring.

Simply put, understanding that various students will respond to different teaching styles is the only way to ensure satisfying learning outcomes for all parties involved.

There is No One Learning Style That Suits Everyone

When it comes to online learning, it is crucial to determine what learning style best suits you. Some people prefer face-to-face interactions, while others prefer lists and logic. Understanding your own learning style can help you approach online learning with confidence and perform better. Learning styles are based on the way you absorb and retain information.

Auditory Learners Prefer Face-To-Face Experiences

Unlike visual learners, auditory learners are more likely to learn by hearing things explained or described. Those with this learning style benefit from group discussions, lectures, and other audio-based learning experiences. This makes online learning more accessible to this type of learner and can help reduce barriers to success.

Visual learners learn best when they see things and remember them by observing them. They may need to see a page in order to understand the information or they may want to write down notes on a page. They may also prefer a quiet, private setting to study. They may also find it distracting to think about information in their heads when in a face-to-face learning situation.

Visual Learners Retain Information Longer Than Words

Students who are visual learners tend to retain information better than those who learn by hearing. They like to look at images and diagrams to understand concepts. They are also likely to be more attentive, have vivid imaginations, and are neatly dressed. Despite their preference for visual learning, they are prone to distraction. This is why teachers need to design lessons for these types of students to maximize their learning potential.

Visual learners have a much higher attention span than those who learn by reading. Often, they “see” words as pictures in their heads, using their right side of the brain. They also tend to retain more information when learning through images, since their brains process images faster than plain text.

When designing courses for students who are visual learners, it is important to take into consideration their learning styles and preferences. For example, a student with a strong visual learning style may find it more difficult to remember words, but a student who is a visual learner will do better if the course uses images and other visuals. It will also help develop critical thinking skills and a better understanding of information.

Visual learners can benefit from outlines, illustrations, and videos. Outlines can help visual learners organize large amounts of information, and they can also use bullet points to organize and memorize important information. They should also be provided with handouts to help them keep track of the lecture information. Also, they should be provided with quiet study times. Video clips during class can also help visual learners focus.

In online learning, visual learners can benefit from visual aids, such as simulations or videos that show how something works. The use of graphics is also helpful for these students, because they can re-read them easily. Moreover, worksheets are helpful for visual learners, as they allow them to practice the material. Furthermore, if the course offers color, it is a bonus for them.

Logical Learners Prefer Lists

Logical learners are often very good at categorizing things and following a systematic method.

They also like creating charts and maps. This way, they can keep track of their progress and easily pick out key points. Outlines are also helpful for logical learners. For example, they can create a chart for each learning activity and read it over after adding a new point.

Logical learners also enjoy using simulation and working out strategies. These types of learners may enjoy games like chess and backgammon. They also may like PC games like Dune II, Starcraft, Age of Empires, and Sid Meier games. These games also allow them to highlight their logical behaviors.

Logical learners are good at math, physics, computer science, and other subjects that involve logic. They aren’t comfortable with word problems and prefer a systematic method to gain understanding. They also tend to do better in structured classroom environments.

They will likely struggle in other classes, such as literature classes where they need to analyze literature. They will also have trouble with classes that require creative methods.

Logical learners like lists to help them organize and process information. They also prefer projects with short deadlines. They are also good at solving problems and organizing information.

They like to work on puzzles and logical problems. They enjoy reading. Those who are logical learners may also benefit from using rubrics, which let students know exactly what they need to do in order to get a grade.

Kinesthetic Learners Prefer Virtual Learning Environments

Kinesthetic learners often prefer virtual learning environments over traditional classrooms for a number of reasons. They are often more motivated by hands-on projects and learning experiences than by abstract information.

They also need to be emotionally engaged while they are absorbing information. Therefore, teachers can use multimedia tools, such as interactive videos, to engage them in their work.

Kinesthetic learners are more likely to engage with lectures and materials if they can hear them and see them in action. They also learn best when reading materials out loud.

They may also learn best with hands-on projects and interactive study aids. But what if you are not an auditory learner? If so, you may want to consider enrolling in an online program that provides this type of interactive learning.

Kinesthetic Learners Work With Activity And Participation

The best way to engage kinesthetic learners is to make them active participants in learning activities. This helps them develop intuitive learning skills, as they are prone to think outside of the box when solving problems. For these students, virtual schools offer a variety of options, including interactive apps and websites.

Although kinesthetic learners may not consider online learning as their preferred option, it can be the perfect solution for them. For example, online courses offer the ability to move around during class and lecture. In some cases, kinesthetic learners will even benefit from hybrid learning options.

Solitary Learners Prefer Self-Study

Solitary learners prefer self-study over other forms of learning. They like to have a clear focus and can keep track of their progress. They also find it easier to learn when they don’t have distractions. The learning style of solitary learners helps them achieve their goals.

Solitary learners are independent, private, and enjoy their own company. They are motivated and enjoy the quiet moments. They are usually highly focused, organized, and introspective. They may also prefer white noise or music to keep them focused. Despite these strengths, solitary learners still need a supportive environment.

In order to determine whether a student is a solitary learner, they should consider their own learning style. While some learners are more motivated by social situations, others may prefer the solitary approach to online learning.

These learners can improve their study skills by knowing their own learning style and using the right study style for the material. In fact, 65% of students have a mix of solitary and social learning styles, and using this knowledge can help you increase your academic success.

Final Thoughts

For tutors, teaching effectively requires aligning your teaching method with the student’s learning style. 

As a student, knowing if you are a visual, aural, reading, or kinesthetic learner might be important for achieving the desired learning outcomes.

Although many schools and educators have been aware of this for a long time, the online learning environments created by the pandemic present a variety of fresh and interesting learning options for students with a wide range of learning preferences.

Knowing your preferred learning styles and creating a study plan that incorporates them can permanently alter how you study, learn, and see education in general.